Basic Scones
2 ½ cups flour
3 ½ tsp baking powder
4 tbs sugar
½ tsp salt
5 tbs butter
½ cup milk
2 eggs
Preheat oven to 400º. Mix dry ingredients. Cut in butter, either with hands or a food processor. Mix milk and eggs together and then add to dry ingredients. When batter has come together, divide into balls or wedges for oven. I usually make 8 large, 16 small, or 32 extra small scones. Bake for 13-14 minutes or until Scones are puffed up and slightly brown.
The above recipe is excellent as a basic cream scone, but you can also use it as a base for any variety of scones you can think of. Here are some of the faves:
Cranberry Orange: Stir the zest of one orange into the dry ingredients. Coarsely chop 1 cup craisins and mix into dry ingredients after butter is added. Juice the same orange, and pour milk to make ½ a cup. Continue with original recipe.
Chocolate chip: Add 1 cup chocolate chips to batter after butter is added. (I think Hershey's chips taste the best, and I process the chips a little for smaller and more uneven chips) I also bake these for one minute less for a softer scone—Dirk's preference.
Cinnamon Chip: Add 1 tbs cinnamon to dry ingredients, and 1 cup cinnamon chips after butter is added.
Cinnamon Raisin: Add 1 tbs cinnamon to dry ingredients, and then 1 cup of chopped raisins after the butter is added.
Vanilla: Add the beans of 3 vanilla pods to dry ingredients. (If you like vanilla, I can direct you to a website where you can get them very cheaply!) A good vanilla icing is excellent on top.
I'm going to have to make some scones now. I haven't made my chocolate chip or orange cranberry scones in I think I better get to it!