Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Post

I've been kicking around the idea of a new blog for a while. Its not that there is anything wrong with the current blog, but Dirk and I have noticed/decided that TheLittlefields blog has evolved into a family blog, complete with cute stories of the kids and pictures. I know this is true because, 1)thats 95% of the posts, 2)we only get hits when there are pictures of the kids up, 3)I'm pretty sure that no one reads the text when they aforementioned pictures up--and would you? Those two kids are ADORABLE.

So instead of rocking the boat, I thought I'd start a new blog to post up my own musings and observations without detracting from the cutness factor on the original. So you may or may not see pictures. If you do, I cannot guarantee that they will be of my two precious kids. Or they might be. Who knows.

So really, You do not have to check back here. It will just be what's on my mind and what I want to rant about. I have a penchant for rants. I dont expect you to be interested.

oh! The title. I picked the title 'Real Things' because 1) I'm not very creative 2) I like real things.
By real I mean real (without artificial colors, preservatives, or flavorings) food, real emotions, real thoughts. I guess its not that deep, but Dirk and I really like the idea of 'real,' authentic, straight-from-the-source things. I'll expand more on that in the future, I'm sure.

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